"Webb Cast" Free Streaming Show, Friday 8/28/2020!

Hey, folks! Well, it's me, yer old semi-cyber-savvy buddy, Webb Wilder. How are ya? Weirdest times ever? Yep. Check. Can I help? Don't know, but I will try!

This Friday night at 7pm Central (8pm Eastern) I'm gonna do another "WEBB CAST" on the intrawebs. Absolutely FREE and open to everyone. You can find it on WebbWilder.official on Facebook, and ya don't have to be a Face Booker to see it. It will live there afterwards, as well as on YouTube, on WEBB-TV.

Speaking of which, let's get Webb-TV goin' more. Go on, be a SUBSCRIBER! Not sure what all that means, but, we here at Webbco want to make a bigger thing of it, if we can. I know I've been watching a lot of other folks' stuff on YouTube of late and there is some really cool stuff out there.

For those of you who have visited the ol' tip jar (https://www.paypal.me/WorldOfWilder ), thank you so very much! It is deeply appreciated.

I think this is the seventh (or maybe eighth) Webb Cast I've done? The first was on April 10th, the day the new album Night Without Love was released. That one, and all the others, are still there on Facebook and YouTube.

Anyway, it will just be me here in the basement... pickin', singin' and tellin' some stories. I called the last one "Back Story," and kind of made a whole thing of the "back story" to each song I performed. This one will sort of be like that, with no real obligation to be consistent, although I think there is a back story of some sort to tell on each song anyway.

We have vinyl LPs, CDs, T-shirts, posters, picks, stickers and what-have-you, all at WebbWilder.com. Well, we may be out of "what have you" but, if we are, we'll get some more!


This week I'm gettin' ready for Friday night's show, and my weekly radio show, The List: The Americana Chart Show, on Roots Radio/WMOT/89.5. You can listen live anywhere in the world at WMOT.org every Friday at 2pm Central, or Saturdays at 7am Central. Two hour show. There is a thing at wmot.org called rootsradioreplays, where there are supposed to be a couple of previous shows, but sometimes they are late to arrive.

Okay. Please watch the show on Friday or afterwards.
Thanks so much for bein' a bunch of Webb-Head/Wilderians!
Your pal... WW

Quick Summary of Upcoming Performances - Visit our site for full details!
** Friday, 08/28/2020: Facebook Livestream Concert (solo)
** Friday, 10/02/2020: The Basement, Nashville TN
** Friday, 04/23/2020: Shank Hall, Milwaukee WI
** Saturday, 04/24/2021: The Bur Oak (PKA:The Winnebago), Madison WI